[Twisted-Python] OSCAR stopped working and we didn't notice

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Fri Dec 4 12:57:40 MST 2015

According to this stack overflow question:

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34095372/python-twisted-words-protocols-oscar-default-implementation-no-longer-connects-t <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34095372/python-twisted-words-protocols-oscar-default-implementation-no-longer-connects-t>

our OSCAR protocol implementation no longer works with the live AIM service.

I suspect we just need to bump some version numbers (we claim to be a version of Windows AIM from 2001 or so, I think) but it might be interesting to figure out some kind of integration testing strategy for these proprietary protocols so that we actually find out before users start posting stuff to random other websites.


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