[Divunal-author]New Authoring Tutorial!

Tenth tenth@clockwork.twistedmatrix.com
Fri, 17 Sep 1999 15:36:58 -0400 (EDT)

I just added a newer, clearer, more comprehensive tutorial to basic
authoring to the Authoring page. You can also visit it directly at


This should hopefully address the concerns that the current authoring docs
aren't clear or comprehensive enough; The new page is a step by step
walkthrough of Things, Naming Conventions, Referencing, Apparent Names,
Descriptions, Locations, Containers, Rooms, Component Objects, Player
Characters, Doors, and Clothes. Hopefully it should keep our new authors
busy for a while.  :-)

Feel free to email me if you have any questions/concerns/problems/requests
regarding the new page... That's what I'm here for. ;-) I'm going to do
something similar for the Verb Authoring documentation this weekend, as
well as the encyclopedia and overview of Divunal society.


- Tenth