[Divunal-author]JIT Documentation

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph@divunal.com
Sat, 17 Jul 1999 14:12:59 -0400 (EDT)

The documentation is in pretty good shape right now, it provides a good
introduction to the design philosophy we're trying to follow and a number
of facts about the world.

However, it's impossible to maintain this documentation without feedback.

If you have a question about something divunal-related, don't hesitate to
ask ... if the documentation is already available, depending on how easy
it is to access, we may politely guide you to it or just reply with a
curt 'RTFM', but if it's not, we will make haste to prepare some
information on it, and put it on the website.

Of course, this is subject to change if we get 1000 requests for
documentation within a week, but it's a place to start.

In other words, neither I nor Dave will be working on any documentation
until we are requested to do so, then we will do that specific
documentation and get back to working on world-stuff.

Anybody willing to write docs by asking us questions is is welcome to do
so, and we will integrate them into the website (by hand) if you email
them to us.  We will likely just look them over for consistency.

Eventually, we will need an automated process for doing this, but I think
at this juncture that would just be a waste of time ... a database backend
for the trivial amount of data currently in there would be overkill and we
could better spend it writing pieces of the game.

Anyway, tootles!
