[Divunal-author]you may have noticed some changes

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph@divunal.com
Thu, 1 Jul 1999 13:10:27 -0400 (EDT)

I've updated the Divunal TR server code to the most recent CVS snapshot,
which is disturbingly similiar to what will be the 1.0 release of the

Differences will probably not be easily apparent.  This is good.  The
differences which you *will* notice are bugs:

	"take" and "drop" no longer figure out that you're talking about
the thing that you are or are not carrying.  This is actually a
preparation for a larger fix, since the only critereon for clarifying
which object was intended in the past was implemented as a kludge nailed
on to a bug in the way that objects were found in general. (and you could
only specify the location of an object as the critereon)

	In the future, objects will be selectable by a variety of
criterea.  I'm working on a simple API to overlay this now.


It used to be so you could say "take foo" and it would know that if you
were carrying a foo and there was a foo on the ground, you meant the foo
on the ground.

There was no way, however, to write a verb in such a way as to have "take
foo" figure out that you would never mean anything in your inventory BUT
you could mean anything from anywhere else.

Now there is, although it is not currently being done anywhere.  I hope to
have correctly functioning versions of "take" and "drop" by the end of the