[Divunal-author]please read the author webpages

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph@divunal.com
Thu, 1 Jul 1999 06:06:56 -0400 (EDT)

The general reasons:

	We work on them a lot.  They contain lots of useful information
about the game.  it's a central repository for information. you can email
us updates and additions in HTML if you want to add or change something,
and then hopefully everyone else will see it.  It's courteous.  It saves
us time. Really, I mean this stuff.  (And nobody seems to be reading them,
from the types of questions that I've been getting lately... speaking of
which, if you *do* have a question, don't hesitate to ask Tenth (Dave)
because he knows as much, if not more, about Divunal than I do.)

The specific reason:

	Someone has been having a good time changing my character's
clothes and items around, to things which he would not normally posess or
wear. I've fixed them all now, but in the future, that's considered highly
rude.  It says so on the author page, in rather repetitive language.  
This is sort of one of the rules of being an author... Screwing with
another author's character is about as intrusive as you can get.

	Anyway, I'm not going to start logging or anything, I'll trust
that whoever was playing with my stuff will stop, (I don't want you to
`confess', please just start reading the guidelines we've put out!) and we
can continue having a good time...

	Have a nice day,
