[Twisted-web] Need Help

Laurens Van Houtven _ at lvh.io
Mon Jul 29 14:38:48 MDT 2013

Hi guys,

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 9:48 PM, George Pauly <george at ringdevelopment.com>wrote:

> websockets is the way to go.

I'd like to additionally recommend txsockjs. It's a third party project
that implements the server side for the SockJS protocol, which is basically
"websockets, damnit!" for pretty much all browsers, all the way down to
IE6, without Flash. On any browsers where WebSockets are well supported,
SockJS just turns into WebSockets.

It supports operation directly as a protocol, as well as an IResource
(which makes it easy to integrate with other webby stuff. Works a charm
over TLS, too.

Oh, and it's maintained by nice people, so if you have a patch or
something, it has a pretty good chance of getting in.

For some reason, Fugiman/sockjs-twisted is missing, but
DesertBus/sockjs-twisted is still going strong. The former is still what
the PyPI page refers to though. No idea what's going on there :)

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