[Twisted-Python] Waiting time for tests running on Travis CI and Buildbot

Mark Williams markrwilliams at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 11:27:33 MDT 2016

On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 09:44:16AM -0700, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
> We can drop support for 3.3 of course, but that's a separate discussion.

I'm marginally in favor of it.  I appreciate Adi's concern about the
build infrastructure.  And thanks to the inimitable Donald Stufft,
it's easy to get a sense of how popular Python 3.3 is among Twisted
users and whether or not dropping support for it will affect a large
percentage of them.

He provided the following BigTable Query to run against the PyPI
downloads dataset (available at
https://bigquery.cloud.google.com/dataset/the-psf:pypi?pli=1 ):

  REGEXP_EXTRACT(details.python, r"^([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)") as python_version,
  COUNT(*) as downloads,
    DATE_ADD(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), -31, "day"),
WHERE file.project = 'twisted'
GROUP BY python_version
  downloads DESC

Here're the results:

python_version	downloads
2.7             446869
null            21959
3.5             15204
3.4             11245
2.6             5060
3.3             1060
3.2             271
3.6             241
2.4             5
1.17		    3
2.5	            2

(Donald explained that `null` represents mirrors and caches like

It appears that dropping Python 3.3 wouldn't exclude very many of our

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