[Twisted-Python] github, again

Jonathan Vanasco twisted-python at 2xlp.com
Thu Jun 6 10:08:59 MDT 2013

On Jun 4, 2013, at 2:49 AM, tds333 at gmail.com wrote:

> Hi,
> what about Bitbucket (www.bitbucket.org) and mercurial ?
> Don't they provide the same features ?
> I'm asking because we are in Python land. ;-)

BitBucket isn't as slick as GitHub.

Mercurial isn't as well known, and the storage isn't as optimal.

SqlAlchemy recently migrated from hg to git -- here is Mike Bayer's rationale:


It's trivial to clone a repo with git.  Also, I believe that if you configure a working repository to follow all the upstream changes, you essentially have a full clone.  So if the primary ever went down, one of the package maintainers could instantly become the new upstream.

I use git+github for all my open source work, and subversion for private stuff -- only because i'm too lazy to set up a remote hg repo.  Git was hard to get used to, and can be difficult at times, but it's a significantly better experience.  The biggest win with git for me, is that you have offline commits.  I've found myself forced to be online for a svn commit too many times ( while restructuring projects ).  git is more flexible -- you can do everything locally and never have to push to the server until you're ready ( no more "part 1 of 3" repo commits ).  then you can squash all the commits into a single server push.

The code review process on git and github is great; and the fork + merge model is much easier than working with SVN. 

someone mentioned `rebase` and `squash`.  

these articles do a much better job at describing it than i can:  

in a nutshell, rebase allows you to start replaying commits onto a working copy.  you can then pick and choose which are kept, tossed, or merged.  it's basically a way to rewrite or replay history.  

the only downside to git, is that once something goes onto the server... it's there for good.  it's possible to rebase a repo back to a specific commit , then replay without specific commits, and "push -f" to overwrite the history... but if anyone updated against the server, those commits will come back and haunt you.  over and over and over again.  

there's also a great plugin called "git flow"  http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/    https://github.com/nvie/gitflow  

it's just some shell scripts that help automate how you organize your branches for fixing issues.

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