[Twisted-Python] Keeping track of what you're doing

Jonathan Lange jml at mumak.net
Thu Nov 15 08:02:19 MST 2007

Hey guys,

One of the big problems I've had as a part-time Twisted contributor is
keeping track of what the hell I'm doing, or what I should be doing,
or what I'm waiting for. Between the listing of my local branches/
directory, my assigned tickets and the review queue things can get

It turns out that Jean-Paul has set up a couple of useful Trac reports
and features to help. I thought I'd post them to the list, because
they are making my life more pleasant.

1. Review Tickets, By Order You Should Review Them In

This would be a little better if it excluded branches that you
authored, but at the moment we don't keep this information.

2. Tickets with Branches
This doesn't have a convenient URL. However, you can simply do a
custom query for tickets that are open, owned by you and have 'Branch'
is not ''. Bookmark it.

This is a good way to keep track of the tickets that you have actually
started. If you are like me, you use the "Assigned" state fairly
haphazardly. It's a good idea to review this list and compare it to
the branches in your local directory and the branches in the actual
repository so that you can remove stale or merged branches.

3. My Tickets Awaiting Review

This shows tickets that you have put up for review.

Thanks to Jean-Paul for setting up these queries and continuing to
make our Trac more helpful.


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