[Twisted-Python] Using twisted.trial with nose unittest system

Jonathan Lange jml at mumak.net
Tue Feb 6 15:06:36 MST 2007

On 2/7/07, Allen Bierbaum <abierbaum at gmail.com> wrote:
> Has anyone tried/succeded at using twisted.trial with the nose unittest system?
> The twisted.trial system works well for pure twisted testing but I
> would like to get some of the advaned capabilities of nose in there as
> well.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Allen,

I haven't used (or even heard of) nose before. What features from nose
do you want to use with Trial?

As for getting them to work together, Trial tries very hard to be
compatible with the standard library's unittest module, so if nose
understands that, it ought to understand Trial tests.[1]


[1] There are a couple of known instances where they won't work.
Hopefully they are listed on the bug tracker.

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