t.m.m.IAliasableDomain(IDomain) : interface documentation

Part of twisted.mail.mail View Source View In Hierarchy

Known implementations: twisted.mail.maildir.MaildirDirdbmDomain

No interface docstring
Method setAliasGroup Set the group of defined aliases for this domain
Method exists Check whether or not the specified user exists in this domain.

Inherited from IDomain:

Method addUser Add a username/password to this domain.
Method startMessage Create and return a new message to be delivered to the given user.
Method getCredentialsCheckers Return a list of ICredentialsChecker implementors for this domain.
def setAliasGroup(aliases): (source)
Set the group of defined aliases for this domain
ParametersaliasesMapping of domain names to objects implementing IAlias (type: dict )
def exists(user, memo=None): (source)
Check whether or not the specified user exists in this domain.
ParametersuserThe user to check (type: twisted.protocols.smtp.User )
memoA record of the addresses already considered while resolving aliases. The default value should be used by all external code. (type: dict )
ReturnsA Deferred which becomes, or a callable which takes no arguments and returns an object implementing IMessage. This will be called and the returned object used to deliver the message when it arrives. (type: No-argument callable )
Raisestwisted.protocols.smtp.SMTPBadRcptRaised if the given user does not exist in this domain.
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2011-10-27 15:46:52.