Perform stream initialization procedures.

An XmlStream holds a list of initializer objects in its initializers attribute. This method calls these initializers in order and dispatches the STREAM_AUTHD_EVENT event when the list has been successfully processed. Otherwise it dispatches the INIT_FAILED_EVENT event with the failure.

Initializers may return the special Reset object to halt the initialization processing. It signals that the current initializer was successfully processed, but that the XML Stream has been reset. An example is the TLSInitiatingInitializer.

Function remove_first Undocumented
Function do_next Take the first initializer and process it.
def remove_first(result): (source)
def do_next(result): (source)

Take the first initializer and process it.

On success, the initializer is removed from the list and then next initializer will be tried.

API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-20 23:54:06.