deferredGenerator and waitForDeferred help you write Deferred-using code that looks like a regular sequential function. Consider the use of inlineCallbacks instead, which can accomplish the same thing in a more concise manner.

There are two important functions involved: waitForDeferred, and deferredGenerator. They are used together, like this:

    def thingummy():
        thing = waitForDeferred(makeSomeRequestResultingInDeferred())
        yield thing
        thing = thing.getResult()
        print(thing) #the result! hoorj!

waitForDeferred returns something that you should immediately yield; when your generator is resumed, calling thing.getResult() will either give you the result of the Deferred if it was a success, or raise an exception if it was a failure. Calling getResult is absolutely mandatory. If you do not call it, your program will not work.

deferredGenerator takes one of these waitForDeferred-using generator functions and converts it into a function that returns a Deferred. The result of the Deferred will be the last value that your generator yielded unless the last value is a waitForDeferred instance, in which case the result will be None. If the function raises an unhandled exception, the Deferred will errback instead. Remember that return result won't work; use yield result; return in place of that.

Note that not yielding anything from your generator will make the Deferred result in None. Yielding a Deferred from your generator is also an error condition; always yield waitForDeferred(d) instead.

The Deferred returned from your deferred generator may also errback if your generator raised an exception. For example:

    def thingummy():
        thing = waitForDeferred(makeSomeRequestResultingInDeferred())
        yield thing
        thing = thing.getResult()
        if thing == 'I love Twisted':
            # will become the result of the Deferred
            yield 'TWISTED IS GREAT!'
            # will trigger an errback
            raise Exception('DESTROY ALL LIFE')

Put succinctly, these functions connect deferred-using code with this 'fake blocking' style in both directions: waitForDeferred converts from a Deferred to the 'blocking' style, and deferredGenerator converts from the 'blocking' style to a Deferred.

Function unwindGenerator Undocumented
def unwindGenerator(*args, **kwargs): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-20 23:54:06.