The socket callback issued by CFRunLoop. This will issue doRead or doWrite calls to the IReadDescriptor and IWriteDescriptor registered with the file descriptor that we are being notified of.

ParameterscfSocketThe CFSocket which has got some activity.
callbackTypeThe type of activity that we are being notified of. Either kCFSocketReadCallBack or kCFSocketWriteCallBack.
ignoredAddressUnused, because this is not used for either of the callback types we register for.
ignoredDataUnused, because this is not used for either of the callback types we register for.
contextThe data associated with this callback by CFSocketCreateWithNative (in CFReactor._watchFD). A 2-tuple of (int, CFRunLoopSource).
Function _drdw Undocumented
def _drdw(): (source)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-20 23:54:06.