We received a MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE. Payload:

    string methods
    byte partial success

If partial success is True, then the previous method succeeded but is not sufficient for authentication. methods is a comma-separated list of accepted authentication methods.

We sort the list of methods by their position in self.preferredOrder, removing methods that have already succeeded. We then call self.tryAuth with the most preferred method.

Parameterspacketthe MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE payload. (type: bytes)
Returnsa defer.Deferred that will be callbacked with None as soon as all authentication methods have been tried, or None if no more authentication methods are available. (type: defer.Deferred or None)
Function orderByPreference Invoked once per authentication method in order to extract a comparison key which is then used for sorting.
def orderByPreference(meth): (source)

Invoked once per authentication method in order to extract a comparison key which is then used for sorting.

Parametersmeththe authentication method. (type: bytes)
Returnsthe comparison key for meth. (type: int)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2020-03-20 23:54:06.