Class t.w.i.t.TOCProto(basesupport.AbstractClientMixin, toc.TOCClient):

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Method __init__ Undocumented
Method _debug Undocumented
Method getGroupConversation Undocumented
Method addContact Undocumented
Method getPerson Undocumented
Method onLine called when we are first online
Method gotConfig called when we get a configuration from the server
Method tocNICK Handle a message that looks like:

Method hearError called when an error is received
Method hearWarning called when we get warned
Method hearMessage called when you receive an IM
Method updateBuddy called when a buddy changes state
Method chatJoined we just joined a chat room
Method chatUpdate a user has joined the room
Method chatHearMessage a message was sent to the room
Method chatHearWhisper someone whispered to us in a chatroom
Method chatInvited we were invited to a chat room
Method chatLeft we left the room
Method rvousProposal we were asked for a rondevouz
Method receiveBytes we received part of a file from a file transfer
Method joinGroup Undocumented

Inherited from AbstractClientMixin:

Method connectionMade Undocumented
Method connectionLost Undocumented
Method unregisterAsAccountClient Tell the chat UI that I have `signed off'.

Inherited from TOCClient:

Method sendFlap Undocumented
Method isFlap tests to see if a flap is actually on the buffer
Method readFlap Undocumented
Method connectionMade Called when a connection is made.
Method connectionLost Called when the connection is shut down.
Method dataReceived Called whenever data is received.
Method modeSendNick Undocumented
Method modeData Undocumented
Method tocUNKNOWN Undocumented
Method tocSIGN_ON Undocumented
Method tocCONFIG Handle a message that looks like:

Method tocIM_IN Handle a message that looks like:

Method tocUPDATE_BUDDY Handle a message that looks like:

Method tocERROR Handle a message that looks like:

Method tocEVILED Handle a message that looks like:

Method tocCHAT_JOIN Handle a message that looks like:

Method tocCHAT_UPDATE_BUDDY Handle a message that looks like:

Method tocCHAT_IN Handle a message that looks like:

Method tocCHAT_INVITE Handle a message that looks like:

Method tocCHAT_LEFT Handle a message that looks like:

Method tocRVOUS_PROPOSE Handle a message that looks like:

Method tocSEND_FILE Undocumented
Method tocGET_FILE Undocumented
Method isaway return our away status
Method set_config set the server configuration
Method add_buddy Undocumented
Method del_buddy Undocumented
Method add_permit Undocumented
Method del_permit Undocumented
Method add_deny Undocumented
Method del_deny Undocumented
Method signon called to finish the setup, and signon to the network
Method say send a message
Method idle change idle state
Method evil warn a user
Method away change away state
Method chat_join join a chat room
Method chat_say send a message to a chatroom
Method chat_whisper whisper to another user in a chatroom
Method chat_leave leave a chat room.
Method chat_invite invite a user[s] to the chat room
Method chat_accept accept an invite to a chat room
Method rvous_accept Undocumented
Method rvous_cancel Undocumented

Inherited from BaseProtocol (via TOCClient, Protocol):

Method makeConnection Make a connection to a transport and a server.
def __init__(self, account, chatui, logonDeferred): (source)
def _debug(self, m): (source)
def getGroupConversation(self, name, hide=0): (source)
def addContact(self, name): (source)
def getPerson(self, name): (source)
def onLine(self): (source)
called when we are first online
def gotConfig(self, mode, buddylist, permit, deny): (source)
called when we get a configuration from the server mode := permit/deny mode buddylist := current buddylist permit := permit list deny := deny list
def tocNICK(self, data): (source)
Handle a message that looks like:
   NICK:<format of nickname>
def hearError(self, code, args): (source)
called when an error is received code := error code args := misc. arguments (username, etc.)
def hearWarning(self, newamount, username): (source)
called when we get warned newamount := the current warning level username := the user who warned us, or '' if it's anonymous
def hearMessage(self, username, message, autoreply): (source)
called when you receive an IM username := the user who the IM is from message := the message autoreply := true if the message is an autoreply from an away message
def updateBuddy(self, username, online, evilness, signontime, idletime, userclass, away): (source)
called when a buddy changes state username := the user whos state changed online := true if the user is online evilness := the users current warning level signontime := the time the user signed on (UNIX epoch) idletime := the time the user has been idle (minutes) away := true if the user is away userclass := the class of the user (generally " O")
def chatJoined(self, roomid, roomname, users): (source)
we just joined a chat room roomid := the AIM id for the room roomname := the name for the room users := a list of the users already in the room
def chatUpdate(self, roomid, member, inroom): (source)
a user has joined the room roomid := the AIM id for the room username := the username inroom := true if the user is in the room
def chatHearMessage(self, roomid, username, message): (source)
a message was sent to the room roomid := the AIM id for the room username := the user who sent the message message := the message
def chatHearWhisper(self, roomid, username, message): (source)
someone whispered to us in a chatroom roomid := the AIM for the room username := the user who whispered to us message := the message
def chatInvited(self, roomid, roomname, username, message): (source)
we were invited to a chat room roomid := the AIM id for the room roomname := the name of the room username := the user who invited us message := the invite message
def chatLeft(self, roomid): (source)
we left the room roomid := the AIM id for the room
def rvousProposal(self, type, cookie, user, vip, port, **kw): (source)
we were asked for a rondevouz type := the type of rondevous. currently, one of ["send"] cookie := the cookie. pass this to rvous_accept() user := the user who asked us vip := their verified_ip port := the port they want us to conenct to kw := misc. args
def receiveBytes(self, user, file, chunk, sofar, total): (source)
we received part of a file from a file transfer file := the name of the file chunk := the chunk of data sofar := how much data we've gotten so far total := the total amount of data
def joinGroup(self, name): (source)
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor.