Module t.w.wsgi

Part of twisted.web2 View Source

An implementation of PEP 333: Python Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI).
Class AlreadyStartedResponse Undocumented
Class WSGIResource A web2 Resource which wraps the given WSGI application callable.
Function callInReactor Undocumented
Function __callFromThread Undocumented
Class InputStream This class implements the 'wsgi.input' object. The methods are
Class ErrorStream This class implements the 'wsgi.error' object.
Class WSGIHandler Undocumented
Class FileWrapper Wrapper to convert file-like objects to iterables, to implement
def callInReactor(__f, *__a, **__kw): (source)
def __callFromThread(queue, f, a, kw): (source)
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor.