Module t.w.microdom

Part of twisted.web View Source

Micro Document Object Model: a partial DOM implementation with SUX.

This is an implementation of what we consider to be the useful subset of the DOM. The chief advantage of this library is that, not being burdened with standards compliance, it can remain very stable between versions. We can also implement utility 'pythonic' ways to access and mutate the XML tree.

Since this has not subjected to a serious trial by fire, it is not recommended to use this outside of Twisted applications. However, it seems to work just fine for the documentation generator, which parses a fairly representative sample of XML.

Microdom mainly focuses on working with HTML and XHTML.
Function getElementsByTagName Undocumented
Function getElementsByTagNameNoCase Undocumented
Function unescape Perform the exact opposite of 'escape'.
Function escape Escape a few XML special chars with XML entities.
Class MismatchedTags Undocumented
Class Node Undocumented
Class Document Undocumented
Class EntityReference Undocumented
Class CharacterData Undocumented
Class Comment A comment node.
Class Text Undocumented
Class CDATASection Undocumented
Function _genprefix Undocumented
Class _Attr Support class for getAttributeNode.
Class Element Undocumented
Function _unescapeDict Undocumented
Function _reverseDict Undocumented
Class MicroDOMParser No class docstring; 8/13 methods documented
Function parse Parse HTML or XML readable.
Function parseString Undocumented
Function parseXML Parse an XML readable object.
Function parseXMLString Parse an XML readable object.
Class lmx Easy creation of XML.
def getElementsByTagName(iNode, name): (source)
def getElementsByTagNameNoCase(iNode, name): (source)
def unescape(text, chars=REV_HTML_ESCAPE_CHARS): (source)
Perform the exact opposite of 'escape'.
def escape(text, chars=HTML_ESCAPE_CHARS): (source)
Escape a few XML special chars with XML entities.
def _genprefix(): (source)
def _unescapeDict(d): (source)
def _reverseDict(d): (source)
def parse(readable, *args, **kwargs): (source)
Parse HTML or XML readable.
def parseString(st, *args, **kw): (source)
def parseXML(readable): (source)
Parse an XML readable object.
def parseXMLString(st): (source)
Parse an XML readable object.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor.