Class t.t.r.Reporter(TestResult):

Part of twisted.trial.reporter View Source View In Hierarchy

Known subclasses: twisted.trial.reporter.MinimalReporter, twisted.trial.reporter.TextReporter, twisted.trial.reporter.TreeReporter, twisted.trial.reporter.VerboseTextReporter

Implements interfaces: twisted.trial.itrial.IReporter
No class docstring
Method __init__ Undocumented
Method startTest This must be called before the given test is commenced.
Method addFailure Report a failed assertion for the given test.
Method addError Report an error that occurred while running the given test.
Method write Undocumented
Method writeln Undocumented
Method upDownError called when an error occurs in a setUp* or tearDown* method
Method cleanupErrors Report an error that occurred during the cleanup between tests.
Method _trimFrames Undocumented
Method _formatFailureTraceback Undocumented
Method _printResults Undocumented
Method _printExpectedFailure Undocumented
Method _printUnexpectedSuccess Undocumented
Method printErrors Print all of the non-success results in full to the stream.
Method printSummary Print a line summarising the test results to the stream.

Inherited from TestResult:

Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method _getTime Undocumented
Method stopTest This must be called after the given test is completed.
Method addSkip Report that the given test was skipped.
Method addUnexpectedSuccess Report that the given test succeeded against expectations.
Method addExpectedFailure Report that the given test succeeded against expectations.
Method addSuccess Report that the given test succeeded.
Method startSuite Undocumented
Method endSuite Undocumented
def __init__(self, stream=sys.stdout, tbformat='default', realtime=False): (source)
def startTest(self, test): (source)
This must be called before the given test is commenced.
Parameterstest(type: pyunit.TestCase )
def addFailure(self, test, fail): (source)
Report a failed assertion for the given test.
Parameterstest(type: pyunit.TestCase )
fail(type: failure.Failure or tuple )
def addError(self, test, error): (source)
Report an error that occurred while running the given test.
Parameterstest(type: pyunit.TestCase )
fail(type: failure.Failure or tuple )
def write(self, format, *args): (source)
def writeln(self, format, *args): (source)
def upDownError(self, method, error, warn, printStatus): (source)
called when an error occurs in a setUp* or tearDown* method
Parameterswarnindicates whether or not the reporter should emit a warning about the error (type: Boolean )
printStatusindicates whether or not the reporter should print the name of the method and the status message appropriate for the type of error (type: Boolean )
def cleanupErrors(self, errs): (source)
Report an error that occurred during the cleanup between tests.
def _trimFrames(self, frames): (source)
def _formatFailureTraceback(self, fail): (source)
def _printResults(self, flavour, errors, formatter): (source)
def _printExpectedFailure(self, error, todo): (source)
def _printUnexpectedSuccess(self, todo): (source)
def printErrors(self): (source)
Print all of the non-success results in full to the stream.
def printSummary(self): (source)
Print a line summarising the test results to the stream.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor.