Module t.p.util

Part of twisted.python View Source

No module docstring
Class InsensitiveDict Dictionary, that has case-insensitive keys.
Class OrderedDict A UserDict that preserves insert order whenever possible.
Function uniquify Make the elements of a list unique by inserting them into a dictionary.
Function padTo Pads a sequence out to n elements,
Function getPluginDirs Undocumented
Function addPluginDir Undocumented
Function sibpath Return the path to a sibling of a file in the filesystem.
Function _getpass Helper to turn IOErrors into KeyboardInterrupts
Function getPassword Obtain a password by prompting or from stdin.
Function dict Undocumented
Function println Undocumented
Function str_xor Undocumented
Function keyed_md5 Create the keyed MD5 string for the given secret and challenge.
Function makeStatBar Creates a function that will return a string representing a progress bar.
Function spewer A trace function for sys.settrace that prints every function or method call.
Function searchupwards Walk upwards from start, looking for a directory containing
Class LineLog A limited-size line-based log, useful for logging line-based
Function raises Determine whether the given call raises the given exception
Class IntervalDifferential Given a list of intervals, generate the amount of time to sleep between
Class _IntervalDifferentialIterator Undocumented
Class FancyStrMixin Set showAttributes to a sequence of strings naming attributes, OR
Class FancyEqMixin Undocumented
Function dsu Undocumented
Function _setgroups_until_success Undocumented
Function initgroups 0 Initializes the group access list.
Function initgroups Do nothing.
Function switchUID Undocumented
Class SubclassableCStringIO A wrapper around cStringIO to allow for subclassing
Function moduleMovedForSplit Undocumented
Function untilConcludes Undocumented
Function unsignedID Return the id of an object as an unsigned number so that its hex
Function mergeFunctionMetadata Overwrite g's docstring and name with values from f. Update
Function nameToLabel Convert a string like a variable name into a slightly more human-friendly
def uniquify(lst): (source)
Make the elements of a list unique by inserting them into a dictionary. This must not change the order of the input lst.
def padTo(n, seq, default=None): (source)

Pads a sequence out to n elements,

filling in with a default value if it is not long enough.

If the input sequence is longer than n, raises ValueError.

Details, details: This returns a new list; it does not extend the original sequence. The new list contains the values of the original sequence, not copies.
def getPluginDirs(): (source)
def addPluginDir(): (source)
def sibpath(path, sibling): (source)

Return the path to a sibling of a file in the filesystem.

This is useful in conjunction with the special __file__ attribute that Python provides for modules, so modules can load associated resource files.
def _getpass(prompt): (source)
Helper to turn IOErrors into KeyboardInterrupts
def getPassword(prompt='Password: ', confirm=0, forceTTY=0, confirmPrompt='Confirm password: ', mismatchMessage="Passwords don't match."): (source)

Obtain a password by prompting or from stdin.

If stdin is a terminal, prompt for a new password, and confirm (if confirm is true) by asking again to make sure the user typed the same thing, as keystrokes will not be echoed.

If stdin is not a terminal, and forceTTY is not true, read in a line and use it as the password, less the trailing newline, if any. If forceTTY is true, attempt to open a tty and prompt for the password using it. Raise a RuntimeError if this is not possible.
def dict(*a, **k): (source)
def println(*a): (source)
def str_xor(s, b): (source)
def keyed_md5(secret, challenge): (source)
Create the keyed MD5 string for the given secret and challenge.
def makeStatBar(width, maxPosition, doneChar='=', undoneChar='-', currentChar='>'): (source)
Creates a function that will return a string representing a progress bar.
def spewer(frame, s, ignored): (source)
A trace function for sys.settrace that prints every function or method call.
def searchupwards(start, files=, dirs=): (source)
Walk upwards from start, looking for a directory containing all files and directories given as arguments:
>> searchupwards('.', ['foo.txt'], ['bar', 'bam'])
If not found, return None
def raises(exception, f, *args, **kwargs): (source)
Determine whether the given call raises the given exception
def dsu(list, key): (source)
def _setgroups_until_success(l): (source)
def initgroups 0(uid, primaryGid): (source)

Initializes the group access list.

This is done by reading the group database /etc/group and using all groups of which uid is a member. The additional group primaryGid is also added to the list.

If the given user is a member of more than NGROUPS, arbitrary groups will be silently discarded to bring the number below that limit.
def initgroups(uid, primaryGid): (source)

Do nothing.

Underlying platform support require to manipulate groups is missing.
def switchUID(uid, gid, euid=False): (source)
def moduleMovedForSplit(origModuleName, newModuleName, moduleDesc, projectName, projectURL, globDict): (source)
def untilConcludes(f, *a, **kw): (source)
def unsignedID(obj): (source)
Return the id of an object as an unsigned number so that its hex representation makes sense
def mergeFunctionMetadata(f, g): (source)
Overwrite g's docstring and name with values from f. Update g's instance dictionary with f's.
def nameToLabel(mname): (source)
Convert a string like a variable name into a slightly more human-friendly string with spaces and capitalized letters.
ParametersmnameThe name to convert to a label. This must be a string which could be used as a Python identifier. Strings which do not take this form will result in unpredictable behavior. (type: str )
Returns(type: str )
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor.