Module t.p.usage

Part of twisted.python View Source

twisted.python.usage is a module for parsing/handling the command line of your program.

For information on how to use it, see, or doc/howto/options.html in your Twisted directory.
Class UsageError Undocumented
Class Options An option list parser class
Function docMakeChunks Makes doc chunks for option declarations.
Function flagFunction Undocumented
def docMakeChunks(optList, width=80): (source)

Makes doc chunks for option declarations.

Takes a list of dictionaries, each of which may have one or more of the keys 'long', 'short', 'doc', 'default', 'optType'.

Returns a list of strings. The strings may be multiple lines, all of them end with a newline.
def flagFunction(method, name=None): (source)
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor.