Module t.p.release

Part of twisted.python View Source

A release-automation toolkit.

API Stability: Unstable. Don't use it outside of Twisted.

Maintainer: Christopher Armstrong
Class DirectoryExists Some directory exists when it shouldn't.
Class DirectoryDoesntExist Some directory doesn't exist when it should.
Class CommandFailed Undocumented
Function sh I'll try to execute `command', and if `prompt' is true, I'll
Function replaceInFile I replace the text `oldstr' with `newstr' in `filename' using sed
Function runChdirSafe Undocumented
Class Project A representation of a Twisted project with version information.
Class Done Raised when the user is done answering questions.
Function inputNewVersion Ask the user to input a new version number for the given project,
Function getVersionSafely Call dist.getVersion, and if an error is raised, return None.
Function gatherCurrentInfo
Function replaceProjectVersion Write version specification code into the given filename, which
def sh(command, null=True, prompt=False): (source)
I'll try to execute `command', and if `prompt' is true, I'll ask before running it. If the command returns something other than 0, I'll raise CommandFailed(command).
def replaceInFile(filename, oldToNew): (source)
I replace the text `oldstr' with `newstr' in `filename' using sed and mv.
def runChdirSafe(f, *args, **kw): (source)
def inputNewVersion(project): (source)
Ask the user to input a new version number for the given project, and return a three-tuple of (major, minor, micro).
def getVersionSafely(proj): (source)
Call dist.getVersion, and if an error is raised, return None.
def gatherCurrentInfo(): (source)
ReturnsA list of Project instances with current information when available.
def replaceProjectVersion(filename, newversion): (source)
Write version specification code into the given filename, which sets the version to the given version number.
ParametersfilenameA filename which is most likely a "" under some Twisted project.
newversionA sequence of three numbers.
API Documentation for twisted, generated by pydoctor.