Class t.i.s.PrivateCertificate(Certificate):

Part of twisted.internet.ssl View Source View In Hierarchy

An x509 certificate and private key.
Method __repr__ Undocumented
Method _setPrivateKey Undocumented
Method newCertificate Create a new PrivateCertificate from the given certificate data and
Method load Load a certificate from an ASN.1- or PEM-format string.
Method inspect Return a multi-line, human-readable representation of this
Method dumpPEM Dump both public and private parts of a private certificate to
Method loadPEM Load both private and public parts of a private certificate from a
Method fromCertificateAndKeyPair Undocumented
Method options Undocumented
Method certificateRequest Undocumented
Method signCertificateRequest Undocumented
Method signRequestObject Undocumented

Inherited from Certificate:

Method __eq__ Undocumented
Method __ne__ Undocumented
Method peerFromTransport Get the certificate for the remote end of the given transport.
Method hostFromTransport Get the certificate for the local end of the given transport.
Method getPublicKey Get the public key for this certificate.
Method dump Undocumented
Method serialNumber Retrieve the serial number of this certificate.
Method digest Return a digest hash of this certificate using the specified hash
Method _inspect Undocumented
Method getIssuer Retrieve the issuer of this certificate.

Inherited from CertBase (via Certificate):

Method __init__ Undocumented
Method _copyName Undocumented
Method getSubject Retrieve the subject of this certificate.
def __repr__(self): (source)
def _setPrivateKey(self, privateKey): (source)
def newCertificate(self, newCertData, format=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1): (source)
Create a new PrivateCertificate from the given certificate data and this instance's private key.
def load(Class, data, privateKey, format=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1): (source)
Load a certificate from an ASN.1- or PEM-format string.
Returns(type: Class )
def inspect(self): (source)
Return a multi-line, human-readable representation of this Certificate, including information about the subject, issuer, and public key.
def dumpPEM(self): (source)
Dump both public and private parts of a private certificate to PEM-format data.
def loadPEM(Class, data): (source)
Load both private and public parts of a private certificate from a chunk of PEM-format data.
def fromCertificateAndKeyPair(Class, certificateInstance, privateKey): (source)
def options(self, *authorities): (source)
def certificateRequest(self, format=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, digestAlgorithm='md5'): (source)
def signCertificateRequest(self, requestData, verifyDNCallback, serialNumber, requestFormat=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, certificateFormat=crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1): (source)
def signRequestObject(self, certificateRequest, serialNumber, secondsToExpiry=60 * 60 * 24 * 365, digestAlgorithm='md5'): (source)
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