Module t.c.s.common

Part of twisted.conch.ssh View Source

Common functions for the SSH classes.

This module is unstable.

Maintainer: Paul Swartz
Function NS net string
Function getNS get net string
Function MP Undocumented
Function getMP get multiple precision integer
Function _MPpow return the MP version of (x**y)%z
Function ffs first from second
Function _fastgetMP Undocumented
Function _fastMP Undocumented
Function _fastMPpow Undocumented
Function _fastpow Undocumented
Function install Undocumented
def NS(t): (source)
net string
def getNS(s, count=1): (source)
get net string
def MP(number): (source)
def getMP(data): (source)
get multiple precision integer
def _MPpow(x, y, z): (source)
return the MP version of (x**y)%z
def ffs(c, s): (source)
first from second goes through the first list, looking for items in the second, returns the first one
def _fastgetMP(i): (source)
def _fastMP(i): (source)
def _fastMPpow(x, y, z=None): (source)
def _fastpow(x, y, z=None): (source)
def install(): (source)
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