Standard exit status codes for system programs.

Class Variable EX_OK Successful termination. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_USAGE Command line usage error. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_DATAERR Data format error. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_NOINPUT Cannot open input. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_NOUSER Addressee unknown. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_NOHOST Host name unknown. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_UNAVAILABLE Service unavailable. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_SOFTWARE Internal software error. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_OSERR System error (e.g., can't fork). (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_OSFILE Critical OS file missing. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_CANTCREAT Can't create (user) output file. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_IOERR Input/output error. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_TEMPFAIL Temporary failure; the user is invited to retry. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_PROTOCOL Remote error in protocol. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_NOPERM Permission denied. (type: ValueConstant)
Class Variable EX_CONFIG Configuration error. (type: ValueConstant)

Inherited from _ConstantsContainer (via Values):

Method __new__ Classes representing constants containers are not intended to be instantiated.
Class Method lookupByName Retrieve a constant by its name or raise a ValueError if there is no constant associated with that name.
Class Method iterconstants Iteration over a Names subclass results in all of the constants it contains.
Class Variable _constantType Specified by a _ConstantsContainer subclass to specify the type of constants allowed by that subclass.
Class Variable _enumerants A dict mapping the names of constants (eg NamedConstant instances) found in the class definition to those instances.
Class Method _constantFactory Construct the value for a new constant to add to this container.

Inherited from _ConstantsContainer (via Values):

Method __new__ Classes representing constants containers are not intended to be instantiated.
Class Method lookupByName Retrieve a constant by its name or raise a ValueError if there is no constant associated with that name.
Class Method iterconstants Iteration over a Names subclass results in all of the constants it contains.
Class Variable _constantType Specified by a _ConstantsContainer subclass to specify the type of constants allowed by that subclass.
Class Variable _enumerants A dict mapping the names of constants (eg NamedConstant instances) found in the class definition to those instances.
Class Method _constantFactory Construct the value for a new constant to add to this container.
Successful termination. (type: ValueConstant)
Command line usage error. (type: ValueConstant)
Data format error. (type: ValueConstant)
Cannot open input. (type: ValueConstant)
Addressee unknown. (type: ValueConstant)
Host name unknown. (type: ValueConstant)
Service unavailable. (type: ValueConstant)
Internal software error. (type: ValueConstant)
System error (e.g., can't fork). (type: ValueConstant)
Critical OS file missing. (type: ValueConstant)
Can't create (user) output file. (type: ValueConstant)
Input/output error. (type: ValueConstant)
Temporary failure; the user is invited to retry. (type: ValueConstant)
Remote error in protocol. (type: ValueConstant)
Permission denied. (type: ValueConstant)
Configuration error. (type: ValueConstant)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-08-28 08:46:05.