Handling of RSA and DSA keys.

Class BadKeyError Raised when a key isn't what we expected from it.
Class EncryptedKeyError Raised when an encrypted key is presented to fromString/fromFile without a password.
Class Key No summary
Function objectType DEPRECATED. Return the SSH key type corresponding to a Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey object.
Function _getPersistentRSAKey This function returns a persistent Key.
def objectType(obj): (source)

DEPRECATED. Return the SSH key type corresponding to a Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey object.

ParametersobjKey for which the type is returned. (type: Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey.pubkey)
ReturnsReturn the SSH key type corresponding to a PyCrypto object. (type: str)
def _getPersistentRSAKey(location, keySize=4096): (source)
This function returns a persistent L{Key}.

The key is loaded from a PEM file in C{location}. If it does not exist, a
key with the key size of C{keySize} is generated and saved.

@param location: Where the key is stored.
@type location: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath)

@param keySize: The size of the key, if it needs to be generated.
@type keySize: L{int}

@returns: A persistent key.
@rtype: L{Key}
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2016-05-18 16:01:36.