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t.w.xmlrpc : module documentation

Part of twisted.web View Source

A generic resource for publishing objects via XML-RPC.

Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring

Function withRequest Decorator to cause the request to be passed as the first argument to the method.
Class NoSuchFunction There is no function by the given name.
Class Handler Handle a XML-RPC request and store the state for a request in progress.
Class XMLRPC A resource that implements XML-RPC.
Class XMLRPCIntrospection Implement the XML-RPC Introspection API.
Function addIntrospection Add Introspection support to an XMLRPC server.
Class QueryProtocol No class docstring; 2/4 methods documented
Class Proxy A Proxy for making remote XML-RPC calls.
Class _QueryFactory XML-RPC Client Factory
def withRequest(f): (source)

Decorator to cause the request to be passed as the first argument to the method.

If an xmlrpc_ method is wrapped with withRequest, the request object is passed as the first argument to that method. For example:

   def xmlrpc_echo(self, request, s):
       return s
Present Since10.2
def addIntrospection(xmlrpc): (source)
Add Introspection support to an XMLRPC server.
Parametersparentthe XMLRPC server to add Introspection support to. (type: XMLRPC)
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2014-09-17 19:15:55.