[Twisted-web] Twisted 13.1.0pre1 is here!

Ashwini Oruganti ashfall at twistedmatrix.com
Mon Jun 17 09:39:13 MDT 2013

Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to announce that the pre-release for the upcoming Twisted 13.1
is now available!

You can download the tarballs here:


Highlights for this release include:

  * trial now has an --exitfirst flag which stops the test run after the
first error or failure.

  * twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now supports chain certificates.

  * twisted.conch.endpoints.SSHCommandClientEndpoint is a new
IStreamClientEndpoint which supports
    connecting a protocol to the stdio of a command running on a remote
host via an SSH connection.

  * twisted.web.xmlrpc.QueryProtocol now generates valid Authorization
headers for long user names
    and passwords.

  * self.transport.resumeProducing() will no longer raise an AssertionError
if called after

For the complete list, see the NEWS file.

Please download the tarballs and test them!

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