[Twisted-web] twisted web client

Laurens Van Houtven _ at lvh.io
Thu Jun 13 08:34:06 MDT 2013

Hi Sergey,

Several points:

1. Making a new factory for each *client* connection isn't unusual -- just
for servers.
2. The API you probably want to use is twisted.web.client.Agent.
3. You could do something like this (I wrote no tests for this!)

def timeURL(agent, url):
    return agent.get(url).addCallback(_responseReceived, time.time(), url)

def _responseReceived(response, startTime, url):
    elapsed = time.time() - startTime
    print "Elapsed for {}: {}s".format(url, elapsed)
    # Note: response received gets called before the entire body is received

... or you could wrap that startTime and URL state in an object, of course

hope to help
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