[Twisted-web] twisted names server

Stephen Thorne stephen at thorne.id.au
Wed Jul 5 22:02:53 CDT 2006

On Wed, 5 Jul 2006 19:11:30 -0700, Yunier Rojas García <onemoverx at gmail.com> wrote:
>can anyone please tell me how can I make a simple dns server using

This is the wrong list for this question, but the answer is simple enough to simply present:

# read the help
mktap dns --help

# create the tap file
mktap names

# test the tap file
twistd --nodaemon --file=dns.py

# run the tap as a daemon
twistd --file=dns.py

I recommend possibly using the twistd --no_save option, to stop a dns-shutdown.tap file from being created (it's something so you can restart the server including all of its state, you probably don't need that).


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