[Twisted-web] [Announce] Nevow-based weblog on the works

Adrian Perez moebius.lists at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 13:32:14 CDT 2006

Hello everybody!

As I mentioned earlier in the Twisted-Web mailing list, I'm coding a
OSS weblog which uses Nevow in my spare time. I started it two weeks
ago but haven't made a big progress because of exams. Now I will be on
holidays (about a week) and I would like you to know about it, because
I would like feedback from the community and some people asked for the
code. The weblog system is named Bic (like the ball-pens).

Currently, it boots up, shows up the main page, per-article pages, has
a form for adding articles, and articles may be edited. Talking with
the people at #divmod (FreeNode) they recommended me to avoid formless.
I plan to move to use formal instead.

Bic needs the Pyramid package in order to work. It's an utility library
I coded myself with some Python utilities I tend to use regularly. Some
notes not written elsewhere:

 - Accessing /article/<id> (or /<id>) will take you to an article given
   its identifier.
 - Accessing /article/<id>/edit (or /<id>/edit) allows for editing
 - Accessing /new allows for writing an article (this will change).
 - Accessing /style yields a small page for the installes styles.
 - Adding "?lang=es" in the request URL changes the language to Spanish.
   (the thing has localization support, of course).

The thing is MIT-licensed and you can get a copy of the code if you

 - Use bzr to get a working copy out of the repository:
   $ bzr get http://code.connectical.net/pyramid
   $ bzr get http://code.connectical.net/bic
   (You can also browse the latest revision with your favourite web

 - Get a tarred snapshot of my working copy, the URL is:
   (The tarball includes both Bic and Pyramid.)

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. I'm quite new to Nevow and
Twisted so I am willing to learn how to do the Right Thing(tm).

Best regards,

P.S: One final reminder: be sure to have Pyramid in your PYTHONPATH
before running the Bic tacfile with twistd ;-)

Adrian Perez
"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want"
                                           -- (Dan Stanford)

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