[Divunal-devel] Faucet on Windows

Michael Dartt mad96@hampshire.edu
Wed, 23 Jun 1999 20:08:00 -0400 (EDT)

Every time I try to use the Faucet under Win95, I get this when using

C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\faucet>jre -cp .;javaclasses;javaclasses\swingall.jar
Bad command or file name

C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\faucet>echo Exited successfully.
Exited successfully.

And this when using msfaucet.bat:

C:\WINDOWS\DESKTOP\faucet>jview /cp .;javaclasses;javaclasses\swingall.jar
Microsoft (R) Command-line Loader for Java (tm) Version 1.00.6211
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1996. All rights reserved.
FATAL ERROR: Swing is required for this program to run.
  Please make sure it is installed and that your classpath is set

ERROR: Could not execute twisted.reality.client.Faucet: Unspecified error

This is with the swing version, btw.  I haven't ever gotten the no-swing
one to work, even with JDK 1.2.

I also had to remove the "@echo off" line from the beginning of the
scripts, otherwise I'd just get "off" (unsurprisingly).

I'm using JDK 1.2.1, installed with Sun's little graphical installer.

Any help would be mighty appreciated, and not just by me, I'm sure.  After
all, I can boot into Linux if this can't get fixed, but telling
prospective users and developers, "Well, to solve your problem, you need a
new OS to run our cross-platform software" probably won't cut it.  :-/

Or maybe I could try the GTK version, seeing as how I've got GIMP
installed....Oh, wait, that means I'd have to compile it, which means I'd
have to download djgpp or make or something....Gotta love Windows....

Thanks in advance, all.
