[Divunal-author] verbs and components

Allen Short washort@twistedmatrix.com
Thu, 12 Sep 2002 17:34:46 -0500 (CDT)

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>>>>> "Glyph" == Glyph Lefkowitz <glyph@twistedmatrix.com> writes:

    > A question asked on IRC that I missed:

    >> <dash> glyph: think an IThing interface is ok, so's we can have
    >> actions that work on anything?

    > Well, this line from simple.py answers the question, really:

    >     registerAdapter(Inedible, Thing, IEatTarget)

    > if you register an adapter for Thing, then it's the adapter you
    > get back 90% of the time.  If you want an action to work on
    > anything, the default response to the action should be factored
    > like this, I think.  Is there a case where you wouldn't want it
    > to be?

well, my thought was that containment-oriented verbs (get, put, etc.)
should accept any Thing as their target. I guess one could register an
adapter like that, it just didn't seem to be the right way to do
it. Are you recommending "registerAdapter(Thing, Thing, ITakeTarget)"? 
Of course, the _current_ way i'm doing it with "take" is obviously
wrong, now:

Thing.__implements__ += (ITakeTarget,)

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