[Divunal-author]How's Your Free Time?

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph@twistedmatrix.com
Wed, 15 Sep 1999 11:07:38 -0400 (EDT)

Thanks, Ben!

Just so everybody knows: if you are sending mail from an address which is
not subscribed requires Dave to manually OK each message.  We have some
pretty spiffy web-based mailinglist administration software, so if you've
been using different email addresses, please visit the page:


which appears at the bottom of every list mail, and enter your
subscription email (the one you recieve this message at).

If you are prompted for a username and password upon visiting the page,
enter your Divunal Author Website username and password. (This is mostly
to make sure unauthorized people can't browse the mailinglist archive)

You can get your list password emailed to you (this is different from the
divunal website password) once you're on your personal list administration
page (after you've entered your subscription email and hit "Edit

I would recommend unsubscribing unused email addresses and subscribing the
ones you normally use.  Thanks.

If people need help with CVS accounts (which I assume nearly everybody
does, since I completely restructured the server) please get in touch with
me personally, and I'll develop a tutorial after the first two or three
people have checked out the stuff.  (If you're on windows, expect this to
take an hour or two ... I don't know my way around too well)

Also, for you aspiring authors out there:


This is a concise guide to the correct use of the apostrophe.  I found it
very, very funny.

The Tao is like a glob pattern:             It is masked but always present.
used but never used up.                     I don't know who built to it.
It is like the extern void:                 It came before the first kernel.
filled with infinite possibilities.         [glyph@twistedmatrix.com]

On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Guildenstern wrote:

> My free time's looking pretty good, actually... I'm Div Three and all
> that. I still need help setting up CVS and stuff, but that's probably
> because I'm lazy. I would like to get started, as I have a whole thesis to
> procrastinate. :)
> -- Damien Jones, C.P.A.
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> Divunal-author maillist  -  Divunal-author@twistedmatrix.com
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