[Divunal-author]Logging In and Whatnot

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph@divunal.com
Sat, 19 Jun 1999 13:05:52 -0400 (EDT)

On Sat, 19 Jun 1999, Michael Dartt wrote:

> Am I the only one who doesn't know what address to use to log in?
> Obviously, helix.hampshire.edu isn't going to work any more.  :-)  Is it
> just divunal.com, or is it somewhere else?  What about CVS, etc?

If you'd downloaded a recent copy of the faucet (which I recommend
everyond do every once in a while now -- there are bugfixes coming left
and right) you'll notice the 'hostname' field is 'reality.divunal.com'.

> (Speaking of which, old bean, what is helix's name now?  I'd like to get
> access to my stuff on there.)

Helix's name is still gonna be Helix.  However, we're going hog-wild with
the extra domain names, so currently helix is aliased to
reality.divunal.com, but in the future, a newer box will have that same
alias, and there will soon be a cvs.divunal.com, cvs.twistedmatrix.com
(YES we registered it!!! woohoo!!!).  For now, point your cvs clients at

ALSO, although all your stuff is still there if you had an account on
helix, I removed all the accounts and all the old mail (reinstall of RH,
6.0 now... pretty smooth, but we lost all the usual stuff) and I don't
want to re-add everybody.  Please send me personal email with the subject
"helix-administration" and I'll get it sorted out as soon as I can.

> Apologies if I've missed something that's obvious to everyone else.  And
> no, I haven't had a chance to try different options, seeing as how I don't
> have my own computer.  This strikes me as something that should be on the
> authoring page, btw, in an obvious place.

I was pretty sure I sent messages to the list about it... but the thing
is, in order to get onto the authoring page you have to have an account in
the game, and that's all being personally managed right now.