[Divunal-author]PING jedin.divunal.com ( 64 data bytes

Michael Dartt jedin@divunal.com
Fri, 30 Jul 1999 08:44:39 -0400 (EDT)

I'd still like to hear who's working on what in regard to fixing verbs.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about the history, geography, people,
etc. of Divunal--basically, world design.  I think I'm getting pretty
close to having things together enough to give a "presentation".  I don't
want to give details until I can present an entire package, but the issues
I've been focusing are setting up a world that can be interesting w/o us
having to constantly monitor it and establishing a technological
environment that's consistent yet still interesting, while still remaining
true to the history that's already been developed and making future
creation easy.

I *strongly* suggest that people take some time to look at art,
particularly the good 3D art sites that are out there.  They can provide a
lot of inspiration for areas and items, moreso even than most books.
Here's a site that I found very handy; I'll send more when I get the
