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t.p.d.Shelf(DirDBM) : class documentation

Part of twisted.persisted.dirdbm View Source View In Hierarchy

A directory with a DBM shelf interface.

This class presents a hash-like interface to a directory of small, flat files. Keys must be strings, but values can be any given object.

Method __setitem__ shelf[foo] = bar Create or modify a textfile in this directory.
Method __getitem__ dirdbm[foo] Get and unpickle the contents of a file in this directory.

Inherited from DirDBM:

Method __init__
Method __len__
Method __delitem__ del dirdbm[foo] Delete a file in this directory.
Method keys
Method values
Method items
Method has_key
Method setdefault
Method get
Method __contains__ key in dirdbm
Method update Add all the key/value pairs in dict to this dirdbm. Any conflicting keys will be overwritten with the values from dict.
Method copyTo Copy the contents of this dirdbm to the dirdbm at path.
Method clear Delete all key/value pairs in this dirdbm.
Method close Close this dbm: no-op, for dbm-style interface compliance.
Method getModificationTime Returns modification time of an entry.
Method _encode Encode a key so it can be used as a filename.
Method _decode Decode a filename to get the key.
Method _readFile Read in the contents of a file.
Method _writeFile Write data to a file.
def __setitem__(self, k, v): (source)
shelf[foo] = bar Create or modify a textfile in this directory.
ParameterskThe key to set (type: str )
vThe value to associate with key
def __getitem__(self, k): (source)
dirdbm[foo] Get and unpickle the contents of a file in this directory.
ParameterskThe key to lookup (type: str )
ReturnsThe value associated with the given key
RaisesKeyErrorRaised if the given key does not exist
API Documentation for Twisted, generated by pydoctor at 2012-02-14 18:17:43.