[Twisted-web] Asynchronous responses example from documentation -- why import time??

Jason Harrison drjasonharrison at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 14:19:23 MDT 2018

> On Wed, 8 Aug 2018 at 11:58 AM  Jean-Paul Calderone <
> exarkun at twistedmatrix.com> wrote:

One possible explanation is that it has nothing to do with import time per
> se.  Instead, *any* change to your source file would have fixed the
> problem.  This could be because you had "stale" pyc files lying around
> (cached bytecode the interpreter *thought* was up-to-date with your source
> but was actually outdated).  It could also be that your server process was
> left running and was still using your old code.  Then, for some reason,
> after you added the import time your server got the new version of the code
> (perhaps you're relying on an auto-reloader and it missed a change, for
> example, or you just forgot to restart the server yourself).
> import time itself is definitely not a requirement for arbitrary Twisted
> Web-based programs to return a response other than 404.
> Jean-Paul
Hi Jean-Paul,

I made many changes to the example in order to get it to work. So perhaps
it's a caching issue, but I can't find any caches. Here's what I'm
developing on:

- OSX 10.13.6
- I'm using Sublime text, no auto reloaders afaik
- python3 --version :  Python 3.7.0
- pip3 list:

Package        Version
-------------- -------
attrs          18.1.0
Automat        0.7.0
constantly     15.1.0
dlib           19.15.0
hyperlink      18.0.0
idna           2.7
incremental    17.5.0
numpy          1.15.0
pip            18.0
PyHamcrest     1.9.0
setuptools     39.2.0
six            1.11.0
Twisted        18.7.0
wheel          0.31.1
zope.interface 4.5.0

- running the server using ./asynchronous.py
- I don't have any .pyc files in the script directory, possibly because I
"chmod +x" the source file and included the #! at the top
- I added logging and while the main program (setup of Twisted reactor)
logged, the DelayedResource class did not
- I added parts of the example at
- I changed "resource = DelayedResource()" to "resource = ClockPage()"
- I changed the render_GET handler to return the Clock page example output
- etc until I stopped getting a 404
- I restarted the server many many times

I removed and backed out every change until I got a 404, concluding it was
the "import time" line.
Any other ideas?
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