[Twisted-web] Twisted 15.5 Prerelease 1 Announcement

Amber "Hawkie" Brown hawkowl at atleastfornow.net
Wed Nov 18 03:58:19 MST 2015

Hello everyone!

Hot off the presses comes Twisted 15.5.0pre1, the prerelease of Twisted 15.5, which has been described by some as "totally radical" and "off the wall".

In this release:

- Python 3.5 support on POSIX was added, and Python 2.6 support was dropped.
- More than nine additional modules have been ported to Python 3, ranging from Twisted Web's Agent and downloadPage, twisted.python.logfile, and many others, as well as...
- twistd is ported to Python 3, and its first plugin, web, is ported.
- twisted.python.url, a new URL/IRI abstraction, has been introduced to answer the question "just what IS a URL" in Twisted, once and for all.
- NPN and ALPN support has been added to Twisted's TLS implementation, paving the way for HTTP/2.
- Conch now supports the DH group14-sha1 and group-exchange-sha256 key exchange algorithms, as well as hmac-sha2-256 and hmac-sha2-512 MAC algorithms. Conch also works nicer with newer OpenSSH implementations.
- Twisted's IRC support now has a sendCommand() method, which enables the use of sending messages with tags.
- 55+ closed tickets overall.

As usual, it's available for download -- go here (https://twistedmatrix.com/Releases/pre/15.5.0pre1/) to get the prerelease tarballs and the full NEWS file.

Please let me know if you have any issues, as well as if you don't! If everything works well, that's a good thing for me to know :)

Thanks! <3

Amber Brown
Twisted Release Manager
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