[Twisted-web] Twisted is removing Python 2.6 support

exarkun at twistedmatrix.com exarkun at twistedmatrix.com
Mon Jun 8 03:27:05 MDT 2015

On 05:57 am, hawkowl at atleastfornow.net wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>As mentioned in http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted- 
>python/2015-March/029258.html , Twisted is removing Python 2.6 support. 
>As such, I would like to announce that 15.3 will be the last release 
>with 2.6 support. After this release, the Python 2.6 buildbots will be 
>removed from the 'supported' list and most likely retired.
>This will remove all buildbot coverage of OS X and RHEL/CentOS. As I've 
>been taking point on the buildbots recently, I'm going to be deploying 
>a new CentOS 7 buildslave which will provide coverage of that platform. 
>That just leaves OS X uncovered -- so if you would like to donate 
>buildslaves for this, please send me an email.

I think this is backwards.  There was basically no strong argument made 
against dropping Python 2.6 support but there was no case made for 
dropping OS X support.  I don't think you can remove the only OS X 
builder from the supported list.  That's equivalent to saying OS X 
support is being dropped.

So either the existing OS X slaves need to be upgraded first (I don't 
see why you wouldn't just do this) or Python 2.6 support (at least on OS 
X) needs to be retained until someone else volunteers a Python 2.7 OS X 


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