[Twisted-web] CorePost 0.0.7 - all about content types

Jacek Furmankiewicz jacek99 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 17:49:29 EDT 2011

CorePost 0.0.7, the REST microframework built on top of twisted.web is out.


This is a big release with lots of enhancements all around content types:

1) automatic parsing of incoming content based on type

def test_json(self,request,**kwargs):
    return "%s" % json.dumps(request.json)

def test_xml(self,request,**kwargs):
    return "%s" % ElementTree.tostring(request.xml)

def test_yaml(self,request,**kwargs):
    return "%s" % yaml.dump(request.yaml)

2) ability to route to different methods for the same URL by incoming

def test_content_app_json(self,request,**kwargs):
    return request.received_headers[HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE]

def test_content_xml(self,request,**kwargs):
    return request.received_headers[HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE]

def test_content_yaml(self,request,**kwargs):
    return request.received_headers[HttpHeader.CONTENT_TYPE]

def test_content_catch_all(self,request,**kwargs):
    return MediaType.WILDCARD

3) ability to return dict/list response and have them automatically convert
to JSON or YAML, depending on what caller can Accept

def test_return_content_by_accepts(self,request,**kwargs):
    val = [{"test1":"Test1"},{"test2":"Test2"}]
    return val

Calling this URL with "Accept: application/json" will return:

[{"test1": "Test1"}, {"test2": "Test2"}]

Calling it with "Accept: text/yaml" will return:

- {test1: Test1}
- {test2: Test2}

4) proper support for *defer.returnValue()* *in @defer.inlineCallbacks
routers (which supports the auto-conversion shown above)

def root(self,request,**kwargs):
    val1 = yield db.query("SELECT ....")
    val2 = yield db.query("SELECT ....")
    defer.returnValue(val1 + val2)

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