[Twisted-web] Multithread SSL

Duncan M. McGreggor duncan.mcgreggor at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 15:08:57 EDT 2009

Yann Pomarede wrote:
> Hello,
> I used Twisted to write some kind of proxy and it's working great,
> it's so easy to develop and understand.
> But I have a problem. I use SSL (on both side of this app) and the
> bandwidth available is limited to the power of one of my CPU due to
> the high cost of the SSL encryption.
> I would like to use both core of my CPU to increase the bandwidth of
> this application but it does not seem easy to do.
> # Here is the server definition in myapp.tac
> from twisted.application import internet, service
> application = service.Application('MyApp', uid=1001, gid=1001)
> internet.SSLServer(80, serverFactory, MySSLContext(), 50,
> 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx').setServiceParent(service.IServiceCollection(application))
> # And here the clients connections
> from twisted.internet import reactor, ssl
> mySSLContext = ssl.ClientContextFactory()
> mySSLContext.method = SSL.SSLv23_METHOD
> reactor.connectSSL(self.HOST, self.PORT, self, mySSLContext)
> Does anyone already have this kind of problem? Is there an easy way to
> multithread the SSL encryption part?

You could run two instances and load balance them...


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