[Twisted-web] [Nevow] JavaScript code

Werner Thie wthie at thiengineering.ch
Mon Jul 31 03:05:36 CDT 2006

Hi all

May I chime in with a question as a newbie?

I get the feeling from this particular thread that I am completely on the 
wrong course with my experiments ( http://telinfo.thie.ch ) on hooking 
together my Swiss telephonebook library with a 'live' app in the browser 
window. Mainly because I am using nevow 0.8, MochiKit 1.3.1 and athena for 
the implementation (Safari was never considered to work with this code, 
although it would be nice to have it on board).

If I am wrong in mixing these components, could someone please advise what 
I am supposed to change in my code for not getting some nasty surprises in 
the future when there are updates to nevow?

I like the TechnoTurkeys adventures a lot and would like to provide some 
help although I doubt that I have enough knowledge to help out with more 
than some light testing.

Werner Thie

Experience is what you get, when you expected something else.

Server side code of telinfo.thie.ch attached for reference
# telinfoweb.py - web service functionality test of the PYTHON telinfo 
# author   : wthie, wth
# last edit: 22.05.2005
# modhistory:
#   28.04.2005 - wth, created
#   22.05.2005 - wth, fiddled with result and status delivery, could do a 
#                     lot more, but we leave it at that for the moment

import sys
import os
import simple_json

if '2.3' in sys.version:
  path = os.path.abspath('./python23/telinfo')

if '2.4' in sys.version:
  path = os.path.abspath('./python24/telinfo')


import telinfo

tcdpath = 'C:\\Program Files\\telcd\\teldata\\data'
verz = telinfo.SM_TELVERZ | telinfo.SM_PRIVAT | telinfo.SM_PROF

from zope.interface import implements, Interface
from twisted.python.components import registerAdapter
from nevow import athena, inevow, loaders, tags, util, static

class ITelinfoweb(Interface):
  def Search():

  def SearchExtended():

class Telinfoweb(object):
  def __init__(self):
    self.limit = 15
    self.result = ''

  def DoSearchPattern(self, pb, pattern):
    pat = pattern.replace(u'\xf6', 'o')
    pat = pat.replace(u'\xfc', 'u')
    pat = pat.replace(u'\xe4', 'a')
    pat = pat.replace(u'\xef', 'i')
    pat = pat.replace(u'\xe7', 'c')
    pat = pat.replace(u'\xe8', 'e')
    pat = pat.replace(u'\xe9', 'e')

    srchpat = pat.split('%')

    for i in range(0, len(srchpat)-1, 2):
      tagname = srchpat[i]
      spat    = srchpat[i+1]

      if (len(spat) > 0):
        tag = telinfo.ILLEGAL_SEARCH

        if (tagname == 'name'):
          tag = telinfo.NAMESEARCH
        elif (tagname == 'vorname'):
          tag = telinfo.FNAMESEARCH
        elif (tagname == 'strasse'):
          tag = telinfo.STREETSEARCH
        elif (tagname == 'ort'):
          tag = telinfo.ORTSEARCH
        elif (tagname == 'beruf'):
          tag = telinfo.BERUFSEARCH
        elif (tagname == 'ledig'):
          tag = telinfo.LEDIGSEARCH
        elif (tagname == 'zusatz'):
          tag = telinfo.ZUSATZSEARCH

        if (tag != telinfo.ILLEGAL_SEARCH):
          pb.Search(tag, spat)


  def BuildResult(self, pb):
    cnt = pb.GetElemCount()
    d = {}
    d['count'] = str(cnt)
    d['limit'] = str(self.limit)
    d['columns'] = ['rvorname', 'rname', 'rstrasse', 'rnr', 'rtelno', 
'rplz', 'rort' ]
    d['rows']    = []

    if cnt > 0:
      if cnt > self.limit:				#limited to some value
        cnt = self.limit

    i = 0
    while (i < cnt):
      row = []
      row.append(unicode(pb.RetrieveField(i, telinfo.VORNAMETAG), 
      row.append(unicode(pb.RetrieveField(i, telinfo.NAMETAG), 
      row.append(unicode(pb.RetrieveField(i, telinfo.STRASSETAG), 
      row.append(unicode(pb.RetrieveField(i, telinfo.HAUSNUMMERTAG), 
      row.append(unicode(pb.RetrieveField(i, telinfo.RUFNUMMERTAG), 
      row.append(unicode(pb.RetrieveField(i, telinfo.PLZTAG), 'iso-8859-1'))
      row.append(unicode(pb.RetrieveField(i, telinfo.ORTTAG), 'iso-8859-1'))


      i = i + 1

    return unicode(simple_json.dumps(d))

  def Search(self, pattern):
    pb = telinfo.pypbdb(tcdpath, tcdpath, 20, 0)
    pb.OpenSearchSimple(0, verz, '')
    self.DoSearchPattern(pb, pattern)
    return self.BuildResult(pb)

  def SearchExtended(self, pattern):
    pb = telinfo.pypbdb(tcdpath, tcdpath, 20, 0)
    pb.OpenSearchSimple(1, verz, '')
    self.DoSearchPattern(pb, pattern)
    return self.BuildResult(pb)

class TelinfowebResource(athena.LivePage):
    telinfo in its web incarnation

    All buttons presses in the browser are sent to the server. The server
    evaluates the expression and sets the output in the browser.
    addSlash = True

    #child_html = static.File('html')     #this trick did not work out with 
topstyles preview feature
                                          #will contact the author about 
that problem
    child_images  = static.File('images')
    child_scripts = static.File('scripts')
    child_css = static.File('css')

    docFactory = loaders.xmlfile(util.resource_filename('telinfoweb', 

if __name__ == '__main__':
  if True:
    from twisted.internet import reactor
    from twisted.python import log
    from nevow import appserver

    def TelinfowebResourceFactory(original):
        return TelinfowebResource(ITelinfoweb, original)

    registerAdapter(TelinfowebResourceFactory, Telinfoweb, inevow.IResource)

    site = appserver.NevowSite(Telinfoweb())
    reactor.listenTCP(80, site)
    tstpb = Telinfoweb()

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