[Twisted-web] Re: Good ROM tool ?

Andrea Arcangeli andrea at cpushare.com
Wed Jan 18 16:56:14 MST 2006

On Wed, Jan 18, 2006 at 03:25:03PM -0800, David Reid wrote:
> It may be worth noting that one of the long-term goals of twisted.web2
> is to allow Nevow to become just a rendering engine on top of web2.
> It'll still be a framework, but it'll be a much smaller one (and
> probably faster one.)

This makes perfect sense. The fact the klive size almost didn't increase
at all after porting from nevow to web2, is quite a proof that it's
achieving its objective well.

Leaving the option to the web devloper if to render stuff with nevow or
Cheetah or PTL, and leaving the rendering engine indipendent sounds very


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