[Twisted-web] [PATCH] nonbuffered cache

Andrea Arcangeli andrea at cpushare.com
Thu Jan 12 06:24:31 MST 2006


After klive pages become larger and the db become larger too, I realized
that enabling my PageCache methods was destroing the very nice and
useful nonbuffered mode that allows showing the fragment of pages that
are already rendered while nevow keeps working to finishing rendering
the whole page. The nonbuffered mode makes interactive behaviour
completely different for klive (while it's almost invisible for other
projects that renders much more quickly because of much smaller pages).

Disabling the cache is a no way, a simple ab2 would DoS the server
without cache, it wouldn't even survive ./ .

So I modified the my cache patches to support nonbuffered mode. That was
very easy. I cleaned up the code a bit too.

I added some db queries to take several seconds to complete to block the
page rendering a few times, and it was real fun to open 3 browsers and
see the bar on the right enlarging every few seconds on all three
browsers at the same time after each query returned. Clicking reload
also re-display only the part of the page already rendered and then it
waits nevow to complete.

Performance is excellent as usual (it greatly exceeds the performance of
the network, it'd require gigabit ethernet to the internet to saturate
the link):

andrea at opteron:~> ab2 -n2000 -c 200 http://localhost:8818/
This is ApacheBench, Version 2.0.41-dev <$Revision: $>
Copyright (c) 1996 Adam Twiss, Zeus Technology Ltd,
Copyright (c) 1998-2002 The Apache Software Foundation,

Benchmarking localhost (be patient)
Completed 200 requests
Completed 400 requests
Completed 600 requests
Completed 800 requests
Completed 1000 requests
Completed 1200 requests
Completed 1400 requests
Completed 1600 requests
Completed 1800 requests
Finished 2000 requests

Server Software:        TwistedWeb/SVN-Trunk
Server Hostname:        localhost
Server Port:            8818

Document Path:          /
Document Length:        166396 bytes

Concurrency Level:      200
Time taken for tests:   7.210944 seconds
Complete requests:      2000
Failed requests:        0
Write errors:           0
Total transferred:      335883918 bytes
HTML transferred:       335625492 bytes
Requests per second:    277.36 [#/sec] (mean)
Time per request:       721.094 [ms] (mean)
Time per request:       3.605 [ms] (mean, across all concurrent
Transfer rate:          45487.94 [Kbytes/sec] received

Connection Times (ms)
              min  mean[+/-sd] median   max
Connect:        0  104 547.7      0    3003
Processing:   204  563 470.2    390    1978
Waiting:      110  334  68.9    329     544
Total:        204  667 716.4    390    3625

Percentage of the requests served within a certain time (ms)
  50%    390
  66%    449
  75%    498
  80%    530
  90%   1959
  95%   1977
  98%   3528
  99%   3543
 100%   3625 (longest request)

Even while the benchmark runs the server is accessible immediately. This
delivered 45Mbytes/sec of payload (not megabit), with 277 requests per
second. Without it such an ab2 command DoS the server. You can see the
effect online as usual on klive website.

I recommend applying to nevow CVS so others can use it too. If you don't
change your code to enable it with the following API this patch *cannot*
break anything even if it would be completely broken, so there are no
excuses for not applying it ;), this is in the _obviously_ safe

Here the API to enable it in your code. NOTE: you cannot use
nevow_carryover/IHand with this, it makes no sense to cache forms output
anyway. Recommended use is with cached_page_class and a LIFETIME of 5
seconds (the above benchmark has a lifetime of 5 sec).

class forever_cached_page_class(rend.Page):
        cache = True
class cached_page_class(forever_cached_page_class):
        lifetime = LIFETIME

class cached_page_class(rend.Page):
        cache = True
        lifetime = LIFETIME
        max_cache_size = 20*1024*1024

(LIFETIME in seconds)

I consider this a must-have for most nevow sites, thanks!

Index: Nevow/nevow/util.py
--- Nevow/nevow/util.py	(revision 4051)
+++ Nevow/nevow/util.py	(working copy)
@@ -132,6 +132,7 @@
     from twisted.python import failure
     from twisted.python.failure import Failure
     from twisted.python import log
+    from twisted.internet import reactor
 except ImportError:
     class Deferred(object): pass
Index: Nevow/nevow/rend.py
--- Nevow/nevow/rend.py	(revision 4051)
+++ Nevow/nevow/rend.py	(working copy)
@@ -491,6 +491,62 @@
         self.children[name] = child
+class PageCache(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__db = {}
+    def cacheIDX(self, ctx):
+        return str(url.URL.fromContext(ctx))
+    def __storeCache(self, cacheIDX, c):
+        self.__db[cacheIDX] = c
+    def __deleteCache(self, cacheIDX):
+        del self.__db[cacheIDX]
+    def __deleteCacheData(self, cacheIDX, page):
+        size = self.__db[cacheIDX][1]
+        assert len(self.__db[cacheIDX][0]) == size
+        page.subCacheSize(size)
+        self.__deleteCache(cacheIDX)
+    def __lookupCache(self, cacheIDX):
+        return self.__db.get(cacheIDX)
+    def getCache(self, ctx, request):
+        cacheIDX = self.cacheIDX(ctx)
+        c = self.__lookupCache(cacheIDX)
+        if c is None:
+            c = ['', (util.Deferred(), request)]
+            self.__storeCache(cacheIDX, c)
+            def writer(buf):
+                c[0] += buf
+                for d, r in c[1:]:
+                    r.write(buf)
+            return None, writer
+        elif isinstance(c, list):
+            d = util.Deferred()
+            request.write(c[0])
+            c.append((d, request))
+            return d, None
+        return c[0], None
+    def cacheRendered(self, ctx, result, page):
+        cacheIDX = self.cacheIDX(ctx)
+        defer_list = self.__lookupCache(cacheIDX)
+        assert isinstance(defer_list[1][0], util.Deferred)
+        data = defer_list[0]
+        size = len(data)
+        if page.canCache(size):
+            # overwrite the deferred with the data
+            timer = None
+            if page.lifetime > 0:
+                timer = util.reactor.callLater(page.lifetime,
+                                               self.__deleteCacheData, cacheIDX, page)
+            page.addCacheSize(size)
+            self.__storeCache(cacheIDX, (data, size, timer, ))
+        else:
+            self.__deleteCache(cacheIDX)
+        for d,r in defer_list[1:]:
+            d.callback(result)
+_CACHE = PageCache()
 class Page(Fragment, ConfigurableFactory, ChildLookupMixin):
     """A page is the main Nevow resource and renders a document loaded
     via the document factory (docFactory).
@@ -504,8 +560,23 @@
     afterRender = None
     addSlash = None
+    cache = False
+    lifetime = 0
+    max_cache_size = None
+    __cache_size = 0
     flattenFactory = lambda self, *args: flat.flattenFactory(*args)
+    def addCacheSize(self, size):
+        assert self.canCache(size)
+        self.__cache_size += size
+    def subCacheSize(self, size):
+        self.__cache_size -= size
+        assert self.__cache_size >= 0
+    def canCache(self, size):
+        return self.max_cache_size is None or \
+               self.__cache_size + size <= self.max_cache_size
     def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
         if self.beforeRender is not None:
             return util.maybeDeferred(self.beforeRender,ctx).addCallback(
@@ -530,7 +601,18 @@
             if self.afterRender is not None:
                 return util.maybeDeferred(self.afterRender,ctx)
-        if self.buffered:
+        if self.cache:
+            cache, writer = _CACHE.getCache(ctx, request)
+            if cache:
+                return cache
+            assert not self.buffered
+            assert self.afterRender is None
+            def finisher(result):
+                _CACHE.cacheRendered(ctx, result, self)
+                return result
+        elif self.buffered:
             io = StringIO()
             writer = io.write
             def finisher(result):

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