[Twisted-web] A question about sequence

Alberto Trujillo alberto.trujillo at ucd.ie
Fri Sep 16 05:41:27 MDT 2005

Hello everybody:

Thank in advance for all the help that you have gave me.
Well I have seen how works the sequences in nevow and is very cool, but 
always I find the problem that I don't know how to defined limits inside 
the sequence.
What I want to do is create a table with multiple row and two colums (at 
least in this case). Well, each colum is a item, and each column 
contained a table with mutiple slots that I have to fill.
Right now my html code look like this:

<table nevow:data="myplugins" nevow:render="sequence">
    <tr nevow:pattern="item" nevow:render="myplugins">
                    <div align="center"><nevow:slot 
    <tr nevow:pattern="empty">

But of course in this way the result is a table with multiple row and 
only one column, because the item is the row.
There is any way to insert more than one cell in the same row, and after 
a numbers of cell that I decide, insert a new row?
I'll was checking the example of the "calendar", but in that way I must 
to specified too may patterns.
Well I hope that somebody can give me a solution.

Thanks a lot

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