[Twisted-web] Returning an HTTP error from render method

Grant Baillie grant at osafoundation.org
Wed Jun 22 11:11:57 MDT 2005

You could do something like

import twisted.web.error as error

def render_GET(self, request):
   if (request.path != '/hello'):
     page = error.NoResource(message="The resource %s was not found"  
% request.URLPath())
     return page.render(request)


This will set the 404 response, and the return value of render() is  
some html including your message. There are other handy error pages  
in twisted.web.error.


which will set the 404, and include a relat

On Jun 22, 2005, at 9:13 , Jonathan Blocksom wrote:

> Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to return an HTTP error in the  
> render method of a custom Resource.  I can't find any docs on it,  
> but from poking around in the code I came up with the code below  
> that doesn't do it.  Can somebody point me in the right direction  
> for returning an error from the render method?  Or should I be  
> returning the error somewhere else?
> Thanks.
> ---
> from twisted.web import server
> from twisted.internet import reactor
> from twisted.web.resource import Resource
> class Sample404(Resource):
>     "Returns a 404 error for everything except /hello"
>     isLeaf = True
>     def render_GET(self, request):
>         if (request.path != '/hello'):
>             request.setResponseCode(404)
>             request.finish()
>             return server.NOT_DONE_YET
>         else:
>             return "<html>You found me!</html>"
> if __name__=='__main__':
>     site = server.Site(Sample404())
>     reactor.listenTCP(8080, site)
>     reactor.run()
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