[Twisted-web] overriding resource getting with nevow+twisted

Mike Warren spam at mike-warren.com
Wed Nov 24 14:58:45 MST 2004

Donovan Preston <dp at ulaluma.com> writes:

> You are incorrectly using twisted.web.server.Site instead of
> nevow.appserver.NevowSite. NevowSite is the basis of what will become
> web2, yes. web2 is not yet usable.

Actually, I think I was being outsmarted by Nevow's adaptors for
Twisted's resource.Resource (I am using NevowSite) -- I ended up
making my own root resource which just implements inevow.IResource and
doesn't inherit from anything, which is much cleaner, too.

Thanks for the prompt replies (and Twisted!),

mike [at] mike [dash] warren [dot] com
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