[Twisted-web] MVC on Nevow

Jose Figueras twisted-web@twistedmatrix.com
11 Mar 2004 09:25:47 +0100

Hi all

I'm developing one Nevow webapp proto before the big one webapp (you
know, python packages, n-tier, MVC, html documents, pictures, stylesheets, etc...).

What must I do to develop a Nevow MVC app ?

Suppose this directory structure:


this TAC file:

	from twisted.application import service
	from twisted.application import internet
	from nevow import appserver

	from a.b.c.controller import main

	application = service.Application("proto")

and this Nevow resource (on [PYTHONPATH]/a/b/c/controller/main.py):

	import os
	from nevow import rend

	class MainPageRenderer(rend.Page):
		docFactory = rend.htmlfile(os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0],

1. How must I define this 'NevowSite' and <a> tags on this HTML file
(remember, [a_very_big_path]/a/b/c/view/main.html) to point other
static HTML documents (on, p.e.
[a_very_big_path]/a/b/c/view/second.html) ?

2. and what about dynamic pages created by 'rend.Page' instances (on,
p.e. [PYTHONPATH]/a/b/c/controller/third.py) ?

3. Last, how can I implement (and use) one 'controller' in this
situation ?
