[Twisted-web] form attributes in an html file

vicky vlupien at drummonddesigns.com
Mon Jun 21 09:40:45 MDT 2004

	I need some help.  I have an HTML file in my project which contains
a form.  I would like that the attributes 'action' of my form is filled as
loaders.stan which is done like this:
	tags.form(pattern='freeform-form', action=slot('form-artion'))[

I looked at the customform.tac example which uses the loaders.xmlstr and
filled the attributes this way: 

	<form nevow:pattern='freeform-form'>
		<nevow:attr name='action'><nevow:slot name='form-action' />

I've done the same thing in my HTML file and that doesn't works. I was
wondering if there's another way to do this.


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